Posted on: Monday, 16 March 2015

I'm back from San Francisco | Joe's birthday!

It's been a little while since I last blogged... So sorry about that! I just didn't get round to doing any blogging in San Francisco. I wanted to experience as much as I could whilst I was there, and well, I also needed a little break from the internet world as it was all getting a bit too much for me. I felt like I was putting too much pressure on myself with trying to keep up to date with YouTube videos, my blog, freelance work and working monday-friday on top of it all. Don't get me wrong, I love everything I do but at times it can be a little overwhelming and in return I was making myself ill and over-worked.

Anyway, I'm back! I'm feeling really inspired, I feel tons better and super motivated! I have A LOT of blogging, writing, photographing and editing to do. So, I'm going to start with a re-cap of Joe's birthday from last month to get me back in to the swing of things.

Joe turned twenty eight last month and we celebrated the day by heading into London. We wandered around Carnaby Street for Pret goodness, general browsage and of course we took advantage of Ben's Cookies. We then found ourselves in TOPSHOP (Oxford Circus), where we took our 'yearly snaps' in the photo booth (we do this for either of our birthdays or our anniversary every year). After shopping we headed back towards Carnaby Street way and indulged in a celebratory birthday mojito before heading to Ping Pong for delicious dim sum, pork puff things and other glorious food munchies.

I vlogged the day, so if you do want to see what we got up to in video form the link will be below. Anyway, I hope you enjoy seeing what we got up to and also pop back tomorrow for a belated blog post on my beautiful Olivia Burton rose gold watch!

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